Don't let the struggle shut you, or them, down.


Am I doing this right? 

Am I doing enough? Too little?

If these questions scroll through your mind, you aren't alone.

We are here to tell you, it is okay, but we also are here to say that you have the power to shift your thinking. 

Elisheva Schwarts, a dyslexia consultant, owner of the podcast The Dyslexia Quest, and parent, details 5 Shifts You Can Make to Supercharge

These lessons really do apply to all children with learning differences and their parents.

Shift 1: Don't avoid labels

It is important to discuss learning differences with your child so that they can understand their way of learning and make sense of their experiences. Your child should understand that I can do this well because I am in this environment, or I am struggling because I am in this environment.

Some children may have difficulties discussing their differences it is important to be creative and discover ways to fight through the resistance. That could mean seeking outside help.

Shift 2: Practice Self-compassion 

This is a skill every individual can practice and benefit from. Self-compassion is allowing yourself to speak to yourself in the same way you would speak to a close friend in a time of need, even during shortcomings. Helping your child develop self-compassion practices will enable them to appreciate themselves and their effort regardless of the experience. You also can enjoy developing a personal self-compassion practice. 

Shift 3: Know Strength Profiles

If you were to ask your child today, "what are your strengths", how would they respond?


There are so many ways to define strengths. Broadening the perspective of what a strength is and how it can be used in situations is valuable, rather than sticking to traditional responses. 

Perhaps one of your child's strengths is humour, making other humans laugh is a wonderful ability. 

Shift 4: Understand the emotional work

We all experience emotions. Fear, anxiety, times we are vulnerable. We all have histories and "touchy topics". It is important o understand how your emotions work and how your child's emotions work. 

Does your child understand what can shake you and utilize that to gain a reaction? Developing a deep understanding of the emotional workings of you and your child will help you both in any situation that arises.

Shift 5: Don't do it alone 

Your child isn't going through this alone, and neither should you. It is important to reach out for the support you need. Whether it be professionals, a community, books, podcasts, or groups. Connect with others, and form your strengthening circle. We understand this all too well and that's why we are in the process of creating our Parent Membership Community.  

A great way to connect with others and learn from professionals like Elisheva Schwartz, is to attend this year's Shift Your Thinking Summit.

We look forward to connecting with you on November 4th, 2018.

Together we can do so much more.

Susan Schenk