Simplicity Parenting and Learning Differences - they go together!

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Have you hit the BACK TO SCHOOL WALL.  

You know the wall of homework and after-school activities and all the other demands that hit you and your child when the fall months arrive.

Now, this might not be an issue for you.  And if not, that's wonderful. But I do know it is something that a lot of parents face when their child has a learning difference. 

The demands at school are high for your child.  They are working hard on basic skills while trying to work on other demands on top of these skills -- this requires more energy and focus than other kids.  Your child is working double time

So when they get home they could be fatigued, frustrated or both.   

Now add on the other activities lined up for the evening -- along with the homework demands, etc. etc.  And you have just met the BACK TO SCHOOL WALL...BOOM!

So what can you do about this? 

First of all, we will be covering all these topics at our Summit but let's start with Simplicity Parenting and how using this approach can help you and your child regain the setting and environment you want in your home.  What can your home offer and how can you give your child (and you) what you need in your own home setting and in your approach to parenting. 

As the author of “Simplicity Parenting” Kim John Payne states "we can only declare peace in our homes, in fact, it's kinda the only place we can declare peace." 

We don' have control over other spaces but we do have an impact in our space, our home…so how can we use this to help our child that has a learning difference thrive and get what they need. 

Here are a few tips to start with to help you and your child move into a more simplified way of living:

Reclaim your space. When there are calm spaces in your house…everyone is much calmer! Even having a table that is clear of clutter will allow your child and you to focus on homework without the ‘chaos’ of stuff all around them. Start by cutting the clutter and help make your home and brain feel calm.

A routine life. What does that look like for you? Does it offer chaos or calm? Having a learning difference can be challenging but there are ways to support your child (and even YOU) Establish a schedule for your family so they know when meals are and when they will be heading out to their activities, when they have downtime with nothing to do and when they will be heading to bed and getting up in the morning. We all need routines.


What about Sensory Overload. Your child may have been dealing with this all day at school. Loud buses, classrooms and recess. So when they get home how can they minimize this overload?
Does loud music, TVs and bright lights bother them?
These sensory demands can distract your child and interfere with interactions and lead to overload and negative responses. So what would a quiet home with soft music and dimming the lights offer?  
Now maybe not all the time but during the period of time that is needed!  Like when your child first comes home from school??  They need a calm safe place to process the demands that comes along with school and life. 
You are gonna learn so much from Lynne Newman as she offers her experiences and knowledge when it comes to simplifying your approach to parenting and your home. .



We've heard it. We know it. But do we do it?

I know for me there are times I have to plan my time outside. And after I'm out there, I ALWAYS think...awww I need to be do this more and for longer. I feel so good. . . Nature offers us something we can't replace with ANYTHING ELSE. Nothing. Naughta. Zip.

So if this is the case, think of our kids. What can it offer them? How can it help them to cope and wear off the stressors that they may have faced throughout their day at school.

Learning differences can lead to moments of 'fight and flight' and with this your body and mind are overwhelmed...and nature offers this calm and diffusing that they so need.

Just a walk.

Just jumping on the trampoline. Just playing ball.

Just ____ you fill in the blank but step outside with your child today :) .