What we are grateful for at Shift Your Thinking

“At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”

 – Albert Schweitzer

The journey of living with, or supporting someone who has, a learning difference such as ADHD, dyslexia, executive function struggles, or another learning disability, can be a really tough one. However, it is through community, connection, and shared resources, that this journey can be just a little bit easier for all of us. 

We want to take a moment this week to practice some mindfulness and gratitude. We are incredibly thankful for this community, for our supporters, and for our charitable organization that allows us to do the work that has so much personal meaning to us. This weekend is Thanksgiving here in Canada, and it is a great time to pause and reflect.

So here are TEN things that we are grateful for this (Canadian) Thanksgiving: 

  1. Our own incredible kids who have inspired us to think bigger, dream harder, advocate stronger, learn more and share our passion for supporting kids who learn differently.

  2. Our amazing community who have taught us, engaged with us, and helped give us purpose.

  3. Our fabulous Guest Experts who have so generously shared their time, insights and knowledge with our community. You have had a huge impact on our mission. 

  4. To our financial supporters who allow us to continue to reach more people through this platform. We truly could not do this without you. 

  5. To the Shift Your Thinking community out there who continue to follow along, share our messages, read our articles, engage with our social media, attend our events….and the list goes on….you inspire us to keep going, keep pushing, keep creating. 

  6. To the educators, teachers, ECE’s, CYW’s, OT’s, PT’s, Special Education Teachers, Therapists, Psychologists etc. who are working hard to help SHIFT the understanding of, and view of, what a learning difference is (and what it is not!), you DO make a difference.

  7. To the parents of kids with learning differences who keep persevering to get their child the services they need, to help them to see their strengths, to work through hard emotions and frustrating situations, to be their champion at school and home, we see you. You are incredible superstars who are helping not only your child but helping to set precedence to help all children who learn differently. 

  8. To the many individuals and organizations out there who advocate for kids with learning differences, helping others to see their incredible strengths alongside their struggles, thank you!

  9. To the incredible partners, colleagues, collaborators and co-workers who inspire us, provide insight, share ideas, lift us up and walk alongside us….our gratitude is overflowing. 

  10. To the youth who don’t give up, who find moments of brave, who are learning to own and celebrate their difference, who are working to learn how to self-advocate...no matter where you are in the process, we appreciate how hard it can be, and thank you for being as courageous and open as you have been. You are paving the way for an even younger generation to be more seen and heard. 

Our hearts are overflowing with things to be grateful for within Shift Your Thinking. Sending so much goodness back out to all of you. 

Written by Jillian Watson, B.Ed., M.Ed., OCT