Professional development shouldn't be that hard when it comes to learning differences!


Are you a Teacher, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, Community Support Worker, Speech Therapist, Educational Therapist, Educational Assistant, Child and Youth Worker, or another professional that works with children? 

First off, you are INCREDIBLE. You have such a meaningful, influential, pivotal role in shaping our kids. We know it is not easy, but know that we are so grateful for all that you do.

We also realize that these are busy roles; careers that require a lot of you, both emotionally and physically. Careers that are full of changes, and that require incredibly varied amounts of knowledge and understanding. We know that you probably have professional development goals and would like to take professional development courses, but there just does not seem to be enough time. 

We get it.

We also know how important it is to be there for the kids in our lives, to make sure they are seen, recognized, and understood for their unique learning journeys. It is hard to do that when we don’t fully “get” their learning difference. 

It is our goal to help professionals to gain access to expert content on topics related to learning disabilities (or learning differences as we like to call them!), that is easily accessible, affordable, and professional development that can be done on your own schedule. 

These professional growth opportunities are offered through our SYT Support Library (with options for Certificates for your learning). This is an online community that we are SO excited to share with you. Here is what one member said about her experience:

"I am absolutely amazed by the variety and quality of resources available…this is very up-to-date, practical information presented in an easy-to-follow format, with lots of strategies that I can apply right away to my day-to-day work as a school-based Occupational Therapist. Thank you!" 

So why is tHE SYT SUPPORT LIBRARY FOR YOU? Here are some of the highlights of what you receive: 

  • You receive continuing professional development, with access to all past experts, as well as new monthly experts and topics

  • You can receive a certification for your learning hours - for your workplace, your resume, or to let others know what you have been learning (for a small fee)

  • You can set new professional development goals when it comes to your clients/students, and find new ways to help and understand them

  • You can experience professional growth not only through learning, but connecting with other professionals that have the same passion as YOU

  • You can access mini professional development courses inside our digital content that fit what you need to learn now

  • You will fill your toolbox with strategies on topics related to ADHD, Dyslexia, Executive Functioning, Anxiety, Assessments, Dyscalculia and more. 

Learn more by checking out details of our all of the content inside our SYT Support Library on our website. We would love to have you be part of our community!

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” 

  • Benjamin Franklin