Stop and Breathe. What to do when stress hits your house?


Do you ever stop and take a deep breath?  I mean a really deep breath. 

I tend to hold my breath a lot. 

Not that I want to do this but I just get so busy doing my work, managing my family that honestly I just think I hold my breath. Why? Why do I do this?

When it takes only a minute to STOP. TAKE A DEEP BREATH. AND EXHALE.

I became more aware of this when I purchased my Apple Watch with the Breathing app on it. Every once and awhile it will prompt me to stop and take a minute to breathe. My immediate thoughts were…I don’t have time to stop and do that.

Really. What an eye opening experience? Not a minute.

Can anyone relate to this?

I think I’ve spent so long looking after others - mostly my children — that I have stopped focusing on what I need to really support myself —so I could support them better.

I’ve always pushed through, thinking I could do it, I didn’t need any extra care or help for that matter. This is NOT the best option.

Studies show that parents that have children with physical, emotional or learning needs have higher levels of cortisol in their bodies and these higher level of cortisol leads to more health concerns in the future.

So let’s stop and care for ourselves so we can offer the BEST to our child and families.

Let’s lower the cortisol levels in our bodies right now but taking some deep breathes.

Breath in 1-2-3-4 HOLD and Breath out 1-2-3-4 

This is just step one in the strategies to lower your stress level.

Consider making your own self care list and give yourself the support YOU need. To ensure you continue to support your needs join us inside our Parent Membership Community. We focus not only on your child’s needs but on YOUR needs as well! Self care is big for us and we even provide accountability check ins if you want that extra push to look after YOU!