Dyslexia: How it Presents Video

Are you wondering about dyslexia and your child? We get that. It’s hard when you have a bright and even articulate child but they are unable to read, write, or spell words they have seen many times.

You may have others comment on how careless your child is or that they don’t seem to be trying hard enough. Or you might find that they are unable to get support because they are doing “ok”.

But what you really notice is that your child feels they are not smart. They are struggling with their self-esteem or sense of worth — and they are easily frustrated or emotional. But you know your child, and you know they are talented in so many ways —it’s hard for you to watch this struggle. So what can you do?

To start with you can watch our free video from one of our Experts, Samantha Tremaine. She will share her insights about:

The different types of dyslexia

How dyslexia presents itself

Self-esteem issues

and of course, the gifts of dyslexia!