My Child is Falling Behind at School - Now What?


You know the look your child has when you pick them up or see them after school — the look of defeat, frustration or fatigue. They are working hard but they are falling behind and they are only a few weeks into the school year.

What can you do now? 

1. Let them know you are there for them and listen to their experiences.  Let them share the struggles and give shame a voice so it loses it power.

2. Talk to their teacher. What do they see? And also what do YOU see? Do they match up or are your findings different? What makes it different?

3. Get support from friends, organizations (yup like us) that can help you filter through the concerns and find out what can help your child make progress. 

4. Watch your child as they work on their homework.(the important part of homework…I’m not kidding) Where do they stop or can they even start?  Work through it with them or for them (this is not cheating) Find out what they understand and where the barriers are. 

5. Share your learning experiences. What did you struggle with? We all have strengths and weaknesses. If you struggled to learn, they need to hear this.  They need to know they are not alone - and that everyone has something that is difficult for them.

6. Find a professional that can support you to figure out what to do next. And testing may not be the first next step.  

If your child is falling behind - what do you think would help you support them? Let us know in the comments below

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