I love reading books but I didn't always



I have about 15 books in my bedroom. I'm reading about physical health, the brain, creative thinking, etc You might say ...boring or yuck but I read for facts...to learn about life and other people's lives like Amanda in her book Little Panic. 

I generally don't read fiction...but that might change! As reading has been a journey for me. At one point in my life I didn't read books at all.  

None. Zip. Zero. 

Books were words about nothing and on top of that when I attempted to read them the words were so out of context to my life that my ability to push through was limited. 

But I didn't have what is available today - the ability to engage in a book through me reading it at the same time as I was listening to a person narrating the story --in the same voice as that you would hear in a movie. 

I didn't have videos to open up my world to different places so I would engage in learning more using the text to voice to make out the words that were new to me. 

To think that this is available and yet in many cases still untouched makes me stay on this path of purpose. 

As children can have books and learning in a whole new way -- and have books surrounding them sooner.


So what can be done now?  What can you do to bring books to life for your child? 

  1. Focus on books that relate to your child and their life to begin with.

  2. Look at ways to bring books to life with other supports - audio books or recordings as your child reads along. 

  3. Expose your child to words and new vocabulary through video subtitles or digital books so they can see and hear new words and read at the level they are interested in!

  4. Consider how your child wants to reading  -- they may just want facts about something and that's okay. 

  5. Use technology to allow your child to read text messages or information they want to read online.

Books. Words. Learning.  It's all around us so let's tap into it. Join us inside our Parent Membership Community to discuss more strategies and ideas to support your child’s reading.  


Photo by Lacie Slezak